Check out our new Seed Library opening April 21!
The NBPL Seed Library is a resource for patrons to check out a variety of seeds to grow in their own yards. We encourage patrons to save seeds from open-pollinated varieties to replant themselves, to share with friends, and to donate to the Seed Library in order to replenish and increase the locally-grown seed stock.
How It Works
Borrow Visit the NBPL Seed Library catalog, located in colorful binders on the first floor near the DVDS. Select the seed packets you would like and bring them to the Circulation Desk to have a staff member check out the packets to you.
Plant Take your seeds home and plant them. (Share pictures of your seeds as they grow with the library on our social media accounts!)
Return Wait for your crop(s) to come in and harvest the seeds. Return some of the next generation seeds for others to borrow next year!